"There's a sucker born every minute." (quote possibly from P.T. Barnum) The counter to this is don't believe everything you read or are told (whether on the internet or elsewhere). While I believe that most people are generally honest and trustworthy, there are many unethical people who are eager to steal from you. Online marketplaces & exchanges (Craigslist, eBay, freecycling lists, online classifieds, email lists. etc) are great enablers of more efficient distribution of goods, but be warned -- they can be misused as well. The following article from PC World about Craigslist scams applies to all electronic venues. Please read and be careful out there! See: http://www.pcworld.com/article/188584/keep_clear_of_craigslist_scams.html And for freecyclers see in particular: http://community.seattletimes.nwsource.com/archive/?date=20070405&slug=webhouse05m A similar scam occurred on a San Jose freecycling list in 2004/2005.
We are all consumers by necessity (to live is to consume). As a consumer, here are the best economical, ethical, and ecological practices and products that I've been able to find.