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Showing posts from May, 2008

Data, Numbers, Knowledge

Numbers are powerful. Unfortunately too much data often obscures meaning and people routinely misuse statistics and numbers in their decision making. For those who wish to bring clarity and light to numbers, I highly recommend the book “ Turning Numbers into Knowledge ” by Jonathan Koomey . His book is a useful, practical, and easy-to-read tool to help regular mortals analyze numbers and reach well reasoned conclusions. The ability to deal with numbers, statistics, and data is a skill important to all citizens in a democracy. Please give it a read. (Disclosure: Jonathan is a friend and college schoolmate). Be seeing you!

The best Sunnyvale to San Jose bike route

Here is the best (prettiest, lowest traffic, fewest stoplights, most trees & shade) bicycling route I know from Southern Sunnyvale to Adobe Systems headquarters at 345 Park Avenue in downtown San Jose and back again: Sunnyvale to San Jose Bike Route using Google Maps San Jose to Sunnyvale Bike Route using Google Maps Sunnyvale to San Jose using Bikely (click on title of map below for bigger version): Sunnyvale to Adobe HQ (San Jose) Share your bike routes @ It's about 11 miles and passes many parks and schools. Credit to Roberto Perelman for showing me the bulk of this most excellent biking route. I've been using it periodically since 2001 or so and Roberto rides it daily.